
PUL FIEPoS Field Power Supply

14 Jul 2021

The need for flexible, modular systems is shaping machine and system engineering. Decentralization of the system components has proven to be an important factor for success. It speeds up system planning, simplifies maintenance and enables an easy expansion of the system. In addition, control cabinets can be replaced by smaller versions or even completely dismantled.

With FIEPOS, short for FIEld POwer Supply, PULS presents a new type of power supply that was developed precisely for this environment: A decentralized field power supply with protection class IP54, IP65 or IP67 that is readily available, easy to install and flexible enough to meet the diverse requirements of modular factory automation.

In short, PULS’ field power supplies are the alternative to a power supply in the centralized control cabinet, decentralized on-site control box or a customer-specific solution.

Modular system design with IP54, IP65 or IP67 power suppliesFIEPOS field power supplies are perfect for supplying spacious applications with energy in a decentralized, efficient and flexible way. This enables a modular system structure as well as an effective expansion, maintenance and retrofitting of individual components of the system.

Learn more about FIEPos Filed Power Supplies

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